First of all the lady spoke with me and then called me back maybe an hour later saying "I’m sorry I forgot to put you in the schedule.

I met a Sun Life advisor at the women’s show set up at the Sun Life booth and got in contact. I am 32 years old and recently this year decided I needed to start thinking about putting money away. Then, when I need support - it is not there. I've worked with clients for over 2 decades to support their mental health and wellness and advocated for them when they encounter challenges and resistance from Insurance and employers. Sun Life as an organization should be ashamed of itself. A catch-22 like a leg-hold trap! Do you want me to pretend to be sicker, and more disabled than I am so I can qualify for services? Yet, I am also expected to be actively involved in a rehabilitation plan. I was open to, and actively involved in a graduated return to work plan, with accommodations in place! But that made me not totally disabled. They also stated I did not qualify as 'Totally disabled'. I accessed, as much as I was able, but not 'enough'. When daily reports that Mental Health issues are at an all-time high. In a time when Mental Healthcare is most in demand, and unattainable. After leaving me without ANY benefits for a period of 2 1/2 months (from May to July, while they 'reviewed' my claim, Sun Life ultimately decided that I did not qualify for benefits because I did not meet all their criteria - i.e: not accessing enough mental health support. Suffering burnout and compassion fatigue, (called major depressive disorder by my healthcare practitioner) I accessed my workplace benefits for support. Disability Insurance | Glossary and FAQĪs a healthcare practitioner, who has more than 20 years of experience, I worked throughout the pandemic providing frontline care.Compare Credit Cards: Travel and Insurance.Compare Credit Cards: Rewards and Value.