
Ethiopian bible in english pdf
Ethiopian bible in english pdf

They spilled the innocent blood of their children.ġ:15 This did not concern, for Satan had savored the sacrifices he made to his gods in order to complete his malicious designs. And the people complied, offering as sacrifice their young girls and young boys, children of their own blood. cast the people’s discernment upon the false gods and those that believe in them, and among all the children of Adam, whose prayers had become like that of the dust.ġ:14 They gazed upon in solemn reverence, and filled their mind with their own desires. He gave of them false speech, and said he would reveal great truths to them, and for this he was loved. Rather, sought to bring him away from life, into the fire of Gehenna 3 forever, for he believed the idols to be gods,ġ:12 but since they do not truly live, they cannot give life.ġ:13 It was Satan’s tyranny that mislead them, which was found within their idolatry.

ethiopian bible in english pdf

It would appear to him that had created him, for Satan 2 blocked him from knowledge of the true God, who alone grants eternal life. He would often boast of the great profusion of his troops and of the great armies which he held governance over.ġ:2 He had countless priests who served the false gods which he worshiped, and bow to them and make sacrifices by night and day.ġ:3 In the sightlessness of his own heart, he believed that they granted him power and strength.ġ:4 He believed that they gave him sovereignty over the nations.ġ:5 And as his sway over the nations progressed, he believed that granted him the right to supremacy.ġ:6 would offer sacrifices to them by night and day,ġ:7 appointing priests to serve these idols.ġ:8 These priests ate from the unclean sacrifices, all the while telling the king that the idols had consumed what was offered.ġ:9 They sought to proselytize among the people, so that they might make greater sacrifices to be consumed.ġ:10 The king trusted in these idols, which can grant no favors, nor yield any merit to his welfare.ġ:11 At the time, when his heart was blind to the truth, believed that they had given him to fate, by placing him with a diadem. Curtinġ:1 A certain man named Tseerutsaydan 1 loved his sin. Frumentius 2732350 First Book of Ethiopian Maccabees 2018 D.

Ethiopian bible in english pdf